A gift from my daughter.…

…came in the mail yesterday. She had told me via Facebook to expect a package and that she hoped I liked it. Told her that since it was from her, I was sure I would like it. Then I started wondering what she might have sent…there’s just such an enjoyment in the anticipation of receiving a package. (Also in receiving one unexpectedly as I’m sure you all know.) Of course, I kept wondering what it was. Let me tell you, there is no way I would have ever guessed.     


   It’s a Stoneware Butter Keeper. On the box it says: Butter stays fresh, soft and sweet for up to 30 days without refrigeration! It holds up to 1/2 cup. Put the softened butter into the lid/holder. Then put cold water into the base of the crock. Place the lid/holder upside down back into the crock.


Here’s the crock with butter in it. The butter goes into the water.


Still needed to put water into the base. It’s really a neat idea. Here’s a video telling about it. Must admit, I stole/borrowed this off my daughter’s blog. I was planning on sharing about this, then saw she wrote about it, so…..

 Another interesting thing about this. I had made butter yesterday, so had fresh butter to try it out. Here’s a couple butter pictures.


This is in the jar after the cream finally turned into butter. Not sure how long it took….15 to 20 minutes.  Still has the buttermilk which I poured off to save for baking. Buttermilk biscuits sound pretty good to me….will probably make those tomorrow.


Then begins the washing process. It takes several times of pouring water off and adding more before it’s clear.


 This took a few more times before I was happy with it. Then comes pressing as much water out of it as possible. Salting before starting that seems to help it give up the water easier.

Our son has 2 cows that are producing far more milk than they’re able to consume. So they are sharing with us. We have goats for our milk, but there isn’t any cream for butter without a cream separator. Did you know goat cream makes the prettiest white butter?

Then I want to share a photo of the flowers the 4 grandchildren who live next door to us gave me last week. I felt so blessed and couldn’t help but smile every time I looked at them.

IMG_0459 They’re sitting on our wood stove.

Time to quit for now. Catch you all later!

Sorry, but I can’t manage to have everything lined up as I wanted. Looks fine when I edit, then it changes and I have no clue how to fix it. Soooo…..what you see is what you get. 🙂

13 Responses

  1. Oh Connie, you made my evening with this delightful and sweet story, pictures and gift.Been a long time since I made butter like that. We were in the City as a child but Daddy had me do that with the cream. Love the flowers and how they are arranged..what a precious memory you shared with us of your Mothers Day and the grandchildren\’s flowers. (((HUGS)))

  2. @Carole, loved your comment. Garry likes to have cream on things and in his coffee…that\’s how he grew up.The grandchildren filled up about everything I had for flowers…made it such fun! The 6 year old brought me more flowers today. I\’ll have to take pictures of them, especially the rose.

  3. I just love the stone butter jar. I did not know you made your own. I best visit more!!! Oh the flowers are so nice. I haven\’t had white butter in many years. Thanks for sharing.

  4. How wonderful your mother\’s day that you have had Connie. a beautiful the stone butter keeper with BLUECOLOUR that I remember you like blue colour? from your G-children the flowers are beautiful too. I sure my G-childrens likes the butter on the biscuits:-)Take care.

  5. A lovely gift. Yummy! homemade butter. I haven\’t had any since I was a child. I love the buttermilk too, just to drink. The flowers are gorgeous!

  6. That butter looked so wonderful I came back to see it again. I hoped you had blogged, but it was super hearing from you today.

  7. Hi Connie..thank you so much for going to my blogs and commenting. That\’s what keeps me going..if anyone enjoys them even a little bit. 🙂

  8. Thank you for your kind comment which I do appreciate very much.Hope you have nice weekend,Michiko

  9. I just got one of those butter holders they are great. Oh yummy all that fresh butter and butter milk.. Yep they are saying now butter is better.

  10. Thanks for stopping by my new blog place. I assume it was you. Only Connie I know. Love all the beautiful flowers the kids got for you… sooo sweet..

  11. Hi Connie, just now catching up on friends here on WLS, loved the photos of your butter making , I didn\’t know you made butter too, that\’s great! As a child growing up on the family ranch we had a milk cow and we made butter and used the milk to make cheese al, yum! Sometimes I wish I stilll had a milk cow, but too much work! Have a wonderful week, and thanks for stopping by!! HUGS…Sunee

  12. How wonderful hearing from you.

  13. Thank you for visiting my site and leaving your kind comments.hope you are doing well and see you again Connie!Take care,Michiko

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