Hello again~

This blog has pretty much been forgotten. I have seriously been thinking about blogging again, so maybe this will ‘break the ice’.   Any recent blogging efforts have been on Blogspot. I use the term recent loosely, as it has been over a year since I posted on there. So perhaps it is time to get back to it.

My husband and I returned home a week ago from a trip to Oregon, down into California, across Arizona, New Mexico, into Texas and then home. We were gone for a month and 2 days. It was a very enjoyable trip. We spent time with our youngest son in Salem, OR. I enjoyed being able to ‘spoil’ those 3 precious granddaughters a little bit. Sure wish they lived closer to us. We saw a lot of beautiful country. And those mountains out west…wow, they are something. I have pictures I need to share. A lot them taken through a dirty windshield, but that’s the way it is. 🙂

Time is at a premium right now so I must quit. Will do better another time. AND I will try using Live Writer instead of doing it via WP.




Short note

Still not sure if, or how much I’ll use this blog site. Especially since I’m not really in the habit of writing regularly. Yes, I could determine to change that. And, I just might. I compose lots of blog posts as I go about my day, just never seem to find time to actually type and post them.

Just discovered that I can have a full page for composing this, not just a little box. I like that. Now if I can just figure out how to enlarge the type. I’ve gone over all of the icons and not a one says a thing about font size. Just found it. 🙂 Now why would it be under paragraph?????  It appears to change an entire paragraph at once if the cursor is in it.  Perhaps it’d be best to just use Live Writer as much as possible.

Today was a beautiful day. Tomorrow is supposed to be cooler. ..as in the 60’s.

New Blog Home

Windows Live Spaces is going away. They offered to transfer all our posts to Word Press. Not sure how much I’ll be using this. In the meantime it’s a place for all my posts to be stored for a time. Thought that was better than losing them. I also have them all in a zip file on my hard drive.

When I have some more time I’ll try to figure out how to use this. Would like to dress it up a bit. 🙂

It’s bedtime, so I’m heading that way.

Bad Eggs

Someone sent this to me, so thought I’d share.


Beautiful morning

Oh, it feels so wonderful to have a break in the heat and humidity! I tried to not complain before, although, must admit it was beginning to get to me. Suppose 2 1/2 months of 90 or above temps nearly every day can do that.

We didn’t use the ceiling fan last night …seemed kinda strange to not have it on. Even felt the need to pull up the quilt on toward morning. Now I can get used to this.

Today I plan on putting some flowers into the ground. My poor flower bed looks so pitiful that I went out looking for something to give it some color. Came home with pansies. Also found some perennials marked way down that still look pretty decent, so maybe they’ll have time to become established so they can survive the winter.

Does anyone have Plumbago, also know as Leadwort? I bought one at a Menonnite Greenhouse late spring. She told me it was an annual, but from what I can find it is a perennial. My flower books lists it as surviving in zone 5. Since we’re zone 6, I have hopes for it. It has the most beautiful blue bloom. Plus it has done well even with the heat and dryness we’ve experienced in this area. I just might cover it with mulch to help it survive.  IMG_0861


IMG_0853Here’s a couple pictures of it. Since the blue didn’t really show in the picture of the whole plant I added the small one to give you an idea. I have just enjoyed this plant so much. Might have something to do with how much I like blue.

Before the day totally gets away from me I must quit. Have a great day wherever you are.

Summer time…

Thought I’d see if I could figure out how to write a blog post again. It’s been way too long. 

Our summer has been hot and dry. We have exceeded our average of 32 days per year of 90 degrees or above. I think we’ve over 60 days. Thankfully it does cool down somewhat at night. Our garden and the flowers have pretty much dried up from it being so hot, as well as, dry. We did receive rain this week…approximately 4 inches in about 30 hours, so that will help considerable.

We went to Wisconsin the first part of June for a grandson’s (daughter’s son) graduation from High School. He is the 3rd of our grandchildren to graduate. I’m not sure who gave these children permission to grow up.

Our 11 year old granddaughter spent 6 weeks with us this summer. I’m not always sure if she comes to see us, or to play with her 4 cousins who live here. Either way, there’s usually enough time for all of us to enjoy her. This year she had the additional fun of being able to ride the resident 13 year olds horse. Her first time to ride…she thoroughly enjoyed it. Her daddy and cousin (19 year old granddaughter) came to spend 5 days with us, then take her home. Our house seemed rather on the empty side after she was gone.

Garry and I celebrated our 46th anniversary in July. We took two days and just ran around…went to antique shops, thrift stores, ate out…just enjoyed doing nothing in particular except being together. I look at that number and realize we’re almost to 50 years together. It seems like it wasn’t all that long ago that we were married. Now we have 4 grown children and 11 grandchildren.

The Humming Birds have sure been busy emptying the feeder. They have been going through a quart of nectar in about a day…if I fill it in the morning it’s needs refilled by noon the next day.                      Sept 11_hummer (32)

This picture was taken in 2007, and shows exactly what it looks like this year. Since we’ve screened in the front porch there is a screen between me and them…and, of course, the camera wants to focus on the screen, so I haven’t taken any pictures. They’re like a swarm, so much fun to watch. If it wasn’t so early I’d think they were ‘tanking up’ to migrate. The last two summers we’ve had very few hummers, so are enjoying them.

This is enough for this time. I’ll try to not let it go so long in between. Even considering migrating to Blogspot like some of you have done.

Take care wherever you are.

A gift from my daughter.…

…came in the mail yesterday. She had told me via Facebook to expect a package and that she hoped I liked it. Told her that since it was from her, I was sure I would like it. Then I started wondering what she might have sent…there’s just such an enjoyment in the anticipation of receiving a package. (Also in receiving one unexpectedly as I’m sure you all know.) Of course, I kept wondering what it was. Let me tell you, there is no way I would have ever guessed.     


   It’s a Stoneware Butter Keeper. On the box it says: Butter stays fresh, soft and sweet for up to 30 days without refrigeration! It holds up to 1/2 cup. Put the softened butter into the lid/holder. Then put cold water into the base of the crock. Place the lid/holder upside down back into the crock.


Here’s the crock with butter in it. The butter goes into the water.


Still needed to put water into the base. It’s really a neat idea. Here’s a video telling about it. Must admit, I stole/borrowed this off my daughter’s blog. I was planning on sharing about this, then saw she wrote about it, so…..

 Another interesting thing about this. I had made butter yesterday, so had fresh butter to try it out. Here’s a couple butter pictures.


This is in the jar after the cream finally turned into butter. Not sure how long it took….15 to 20 minutes.  Still has the buttermilk which I poured off to save for baking. Buttermilk biscuits sound pretty good to me….will probably make those tomorrow.


Then begins the washing process. It takes several times of pouring water off and adding more before it’s clear.


 This took a few more times before I was happy with it. Then comes pressing as much water out of it as possible. Salting before starting that seems to help it give up the water easier.

Our son has 2 cows that are producing far more milk than they’re able to consume. So they are sharing with us. We have goats for our milk, but there isn’t any cream for butter without a cream separator. Did you know goat cream makes the prettiest white butter?

Then I want to share a photo of the flowers the 4 grandchildren who live next door to us gave me last week. I felt so blessed and couldn’t help but smile every time I looked at them.

IMG_0459 They’re sitting on our wood stove.

Time to quit for now. Catch you all later!

Sorry, but I can’t manage to have everything lined up as I wanted. Looks fine when I edit, then it changes and I have no clue how to fix it. Soooo…..what you see is what you get. 🙂

Meeting an….

..online friend. Right after I posted on Facebook that we were going to Oregon, Lori BJ Scott said she wanted to meet me. The original intent was to meet at the train station in Portland, when we arrived. After realizing that with Craig, Cindy, and 3 little girls coming to pick us up, I probably would be wanting time with them, we changed plans. So on Tuesday after we arrived, Lori and her husband Larry drove to Salem. I’m so glad they were willing to make that drive. We met at the Starbucks in the mall where Craig works. Garry and I both enjoyed our visit very much. The worst part was I could barely talk that day, or maybe it was the best part, depending upon your point of view. Was very frustrating to me, that I know. I am very glad for the opportunity to get to know Lori better. She had mentioned on either Facebook or Spaces about making a summer quilt. What I pictured was just a lightweight quilt. It so happens she had one of the squares with her to work on…wish I had taken a picture of it. Each square is 2 pieces of fabric with no batting between that she crochets around with a beautiful lacy looking pattern, then they will all be crocheted together. I know, not a very good description. She does wonderful work and is making a quilt that I believe will be heirloom quality…it just has that look about it.

Here is a picture of the 4 of us. That’s Garry and me on the left and Larry and Lori on the right. We’re standing in front of a mural in the mall. Our son Craig took the picture.



We’ve been receiving rain the past couple days. We have really been needing it. Our area is close to 8 inches below normal. So far we’ve had nearly 3 inches of rain, which doesn’t necessarily mean we’ve made up 3 inches of the deficit. I’ve heard that it takes 10 inches for each one inch you’re behind to bring the water table back to normal. But no matter, our garden and the flowers are appreciating the rain.

You all take care!

Our Big Adventure begins

When I woke up this morning, one of my first thoughts was..one more night in my comfy bed. For some reason when we’re close to leaving on a trip I mark the time by how many more nights in my own bed. Tomorrow is the day we’re leaving on our trip to Oregon. As, I’m sure some of you remember we’re traveling by train. The first leg of our journey will be by bus. We leave Bowling Green 7:40 pm tomorrow heading to Indianapolis. We’re to arrive in Indy around 2 am, then get on the train to Chicago about 6:30 am. In Chicago we change trains to get on the Empire Builder which will take us all the way to Portland, OR. Tomorrow night I don’t anticipate we’ll get a lot of sleep. We’re pretty well packed, just have a few last minute things to do. So tomorrow should be a fairly relaxed day.

The daffodils are blooming…at least part of them are. I was so afraid I would miss them. It looks like there should still be plenty blooming when we return. They seem to retain their bloom for quite a while and look like they have a few days before blooming. I enjoy the spot of sunshine they put around the yard.    IMG_9856I took a few photos that leave a bit to be desired, but I’m sure it gives you the idea. 🙂

The birds are still busy eating. I was hoping they’d slow down a bit more than they have with sunshine and warmer temperatures. We have so many birds around here. I had hoped to share a video with you, but I haven’t figured out how to insert mine on here. I will figure it out for the future…think I need to find an online service that will give me the needed code.  I want to show you why my bird seed has disappeared so fast, so will work on that when I return.  Here’s a couple bird pictures.    IMG_9851 This little guy rarely sits still long enough for me to take a picture. He’s probably the loudest scolder when I’m refilling the feeders. Just sits up in the tree and complains…at least it sounds like complaining to me.

After I’ve finished filling the feeders usually the first one to return is the Tufted Titmouse. Sometimes I have barely gotten in the door and he’s back starting to eat. They will even come to one feeder while I’m filling the other.IMG_9831

I’m trying to adjust to new glasses. Garry and I decided we needed to have our eyes checked as it had been 6 years. It’s not that we were having any problems with seeing, the problem was our glasses wearing out. One of the ear pieces broke on mine…was able to be soldered. Then Garry’s broke…could only be taped.  My first new pair was just not right. I tried them several days before giving up and saying ‘I just can’t wear these’. He rechecked my eyes and came up with a different correction. I decided to go for the no line progressive lens…if I can’t adjust they’ll change them and refund the difference. Anyway this time the correction feels right, it’s just they are so different after being used to the lined bifocals. I love them at the computer…has made it so I can sit back in my chair and see the screen easily. Now if I can just adjust to the rest. I’ve had them since Wednesday. It’s becoming easier, but I’m not there yet. Hopefully I’ll be adjusted to them by the time we return home.

I think it’s bedtime. Need to get some sleep tonight, as tomorrow night is questionable. I’m hoping to have some pictures to share when I return. Will try to check in a few times while gone. Otherwise I’ll catch up when back.

Sunshine…wonderful sunshine!!

We have had 3 wonderful days of sunshine. I’m so ready for an end to the dreary cloudy days. Today is partly cloudy, enough sun to make me feel positive…even to doing some laundry and hanging it outside. Didn’t even need to wear a coat while hanging it up.

If you haven’t entered my son’s maple syrup giveaway, you still have a chance. He will be doing the drawing after he does chores in the morning. So that gives you the rest of today to enter, and probably up to 7:30am Monday. But, why take a chance, go here and enter now. Would sure love for one of you to win.

A week from today we’re taking off on our great adventure. The train trip to Oregon. It’s hard to believe the time is almost here. Garry and I are really looking forward to the trip. Plus looking forward to seeing our son and his family. Just wish they didn’t live so far away. Those girls NEED me closer, so I can spoil them properly with lot of hugs, snuggles and kisses…just time together doing whatever.

Our cats have been very content to be inside cats this winter. It started when Darryl’s family dog sat for some friends. The cats were fine the first week, then I noticed neither one was asking to go outside. Precious had beIMG_9794en like clockwork going to the door wanting outside. I tried taking them to the door, both would make it quite clear that was not what they wanted. It took me a bit to realize it was because of the dogs. Mostly because nothing changed for a week or better. The other cat (the grandkids cat) on the farm also started wanting to stay in about the same time…to begin with, he disappeared for a couple days. We think he was holed up in the garage or under their house. Talk about one sad family. Darryl commented he didn’t realize how much he liked that cat until he disappeared. Thankfully he (the cat) showed back up. And is now being spoiled quite royally.


Snickers in one of her favorite places…on the furry blanket. She will be 10 next Monday. I’m not sure she realizes she is a cat, other than being a super good mouser. Danny loves it when she’s out, as she catches mice in his chicken house…she’s very welcome there. Even though we’ve had Precious 6 years, or nearly so, Snickers still doesn’t accept her totally. Although, I have noticed with them being in so much lately, she’s not growling or hissing quite as much. And they do chase each other, usually when I’m trying to sleep and would rather not have cats thundering down the hallway. Oh well, we do enjoy them both.

Think maybe I better get busy. Have a lot to do around here in the next week. I was sick for a couple weeks, so am a bit behind in what I had hoped to accomplish. Had the worst cold and cough I’ve had in several years…won’t mind if I never have to deal with that again.

Have a great day!